| 2/5/02 Handy Backup - ZDNet Utility of the Day |

Handy Backup 3.0 gets 4 cows at TUCOWS
5 Star Network Limited: Handy Backup is a quality piece of software and we have rated it a 5 Star Pick
We are pleased to notify you that our editor's team have been very impressed by your excellent application Handy Backup. We sincerely congratulate you for the excellent job that you have done and want to recognize your achievement by awarding you with our Editor's pick gallardon: our highest recognition.
Reviewer at The FileTransit has awarded Handy Backup their highest rating of 5 stars.
ListSoft: This award means that if I need the program with similar functionality, then I'll use this one...
From editor: Pretty convenient and useful tool. Its features will make it a really handy...
Top-rated backup solution at FileHungry
SoftLandMark: Congratulations for Your Excellent Software Handy Backup 3.0
Dear Sirs,
One week ago I purchased the OCR program "Fine Reader" for my club, after determining that its performance was superior, with uncanny accuracy in recognizing even italic fonts.
Now, this week, I purchased "Handy Backup" from Novosoft, again, after determining that it did exactly what I wanted, efficiently, with no frills. I then discovered that by coincidence, I had purchased two pieces of Russian software within two weeks.
I wish you every success in the future and I will make a special effort to look for products by Russian software developers when I need further programs.
Frank Fanning International Gustav Mahler Society Vienna, Austria